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25 July 2011

midnight demons strike again

It's almost 3 am and I can’t sleep. I am very tired but my thoughts are in a dark place. I decided to work on my little research survey and found that it was harder to put on paper than it was to think it up in my head.
My pain levels are still through the roof, though the meds seem to be helping tonight. Yesterday I didn’t think I was ever going to fall asleep. Thursday I had a phone session with bozo and told her I wanted to die this weekend. Course I have been saying that for months now. Today I really did want to do die because I am so frustrated that I cannot find relief in dealing with my pain and my leg being swollen is not helping my mood any. I just want to cut my foot off at the ankle. I’m so tired of being in pain every day and no one knows what to do about it. My pcp has decided to put me in a boot for 2 wks. It that doesn’t work, I am not sure what to do. I might have to be on bed rest completely and that thought is not helping me as I will go fucking nuts just sitting around the house doing nothing when there is so much work to do for my research job.  I feel like I am on this merry-go-round that just bring me going from doc to doc and not getting any real answers.  I just don’t want to live anymore. I have no desire to live to see tomorrow. I only do because my body has decided to continue to do the body functions that allow me to live. I have thought of so many ways to end my life and I soooo want to go through at least one of them and I will, but it always is one day. I really don’t know if I am capable of ending my life anymore, I just seem to think that thinking about it is somewhat better than acting on it all the time. I know that might sound crazy but it’s true. I have thought about so many ways of ending my life the past few months and even prepared to do so yet I never seem to really act on going through with it. How pathetic is that?? I feel more like a loser because I say I am suicidal yet I have not acted on my thoughts or feelings for years now. Most I have done is take massive doses of neurontin but I know that doing so will not kill me. I am pathetic.

01 July 2011

My last day (Jul 1, 2011)

Woke up with my leg killing me, not sure if I could walk. Got out of bed and it wasn't too bad. Today is the day that I am ending my suffering. Either late tonight I will hang or od. I haven't quite decided what method I am chosing.

It's all because the medical docs refuse to treat my pain and the stupid pain management doc needs to have me screened by a psychologist before he will do anything. I need to wait 6 wks for all this. Too late. I won't be around.

I have been in chronic pain the last few months and I just can't take it any longer. I cannot live like this. I have done things as normally aspossible so no one has a clue what I will be doing though I have confided in a couple of people. No one is to blame except for the drug addicts who make doctors work harder to screen out those in chronic pain vs those that are abusing it. And also the lawmakers who make it difficult for doctors to treat those in pain by making rules of how much they prescribe a month. I curse these people that have no idea what it is like to be in pain 24/7 and have no relief. I have seen all types of doctors. My therapist and psychiatrist can no longer help me. All they can do is provide supportive care. I know they will be the deepest hurt by my actions. But I hope they know that me not suffering anymore somehow helps them.

Everyone says I should go to the ER to see if they can give me something but I just ran out of hope. Or maybe it's just that I feel so helpless. Right now my foot/ankle is a ten. I just plan on going to work to finish my last project for research. Then it's all over.

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