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11 May 2011

Why do I continue to live?

I guess I am not as great a blogger as I wanted to be.  The past few weeks have been really busy with work and by the end of the night, all the energy I have left is for my gaming on Facebook.  Once again I have come at an impasse with my therapist.  I had last week off so I had some time to think about our relationship.  I came up with the same things that I have been thinking for a long time now: I don’t want to continue in treatment, I have no reason for living nor do I wish to live anymore. I just don’t have the energy to actually kill myself. I have not been depressed over the past few weeks. I just have been seriously of ending my life, usually by hanging, just for “fun”. Almost like a “double-dare” to myself.
Now that I am back to work and my research job realized just how much I do work my butt off, I really just want to end my life.  I’m needed yet I really don’t care.  I have become callous or maybe jaded, maybe both, to how others perceive me.  I just feel so dead inside. Not cauldron is stirring but yet I feel that if I don’t try and end my life, I might just go crazy. I have no intention of living any more yet I seem to do just that. I get dressed, go to work, fulfill my obligations and responsibilities yet nothing gives me pleasure or joy. I just do it because it keeps my mind off which tree branch will hold my weight.
My therapist has finally realized through a “consult of my own” the reasons for my misery and yet we are seeking the counsel of an outsider who deals with suicidality. I have often wondered if he would be of help. But how is he supposed to make me want to continue to live when I do not wish to breathe anymore.

1 comment:

  1. I am going to post a longer comment soon. But you are tempting me to come over there to give you a slap...(and a hug!). Seiously, I need you - you are my counsellor, and I don't decide not to see you...

    Anyway lots, and lots going on here...lots to tell you...and lots to discuss. Promise to send more details...maybe this weekend I shall have time...I am the worst boss I have ever worked for...
