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31 July 2012

Jupiter is a funny planet

Been struggling with voices most of my life and think now I am going finally whacko. I just can't seem to break out of the psychosis and firmly believe that if I cut my leg open, my problems will be solved. It is curious that I miss one dose of my med, that little pink pill that holds the key to my sanity and all hell breaks lose. I can't fricken sleep because my head is a jumble.
I have been watching the show 'perception' on TNT and can't help but think that is me. I don't see things but I just hear the same voice and when I'm in a psychotic state that voice becomes another person, another tone, another character all its own. No this is no altering of egos, least I don't think so only because I interact with them on a regular basis that truly is what I hear. I can have a conversation all on its own merit based on whatever. Sometimes it is intellectual, like the show portrays, sometimes it is just the criticism of what I am doing. Constant hounding of not making my eggs "right" or walking the wrong way to get somewhere, to why am I taking this bus versus that bus, all the fricken time...

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