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06 February 2011


Today I was very tired, more than tired…fatigued to the point where every time I blinks I had to pry my eyes open.  Work was pretty busy until all the outpatients were done. Then things slowed down and boredom set in.  I couldn’t think straight and we got a bunch of add-ons so that kept me busy for a little bit.  I realized my phone needed to be charged and in the process, ending up “renaming” my MP3’s so they didn’t come up as #’s when I go into my song list. This MP3 player on the Palm Pre is weird. It gives you an option of having a playlist, but you need a third party to actually program it. iTunes used to be one of those parties but I don’t have a Mac and I HATE itunes because it always crashes and takes forever to load, even just to end the program.  Bottom line is you can't make playlists. Your only options are to play individual artists and ALL their songs or to play ALL the songs on your phone.
After doing this I was still bored so decided to do my online prep thing. This course is already telling me stuff I already know. BORING. I do the stupid thing and then the final part you are supposed to copy and paste everything you just did with a sentence or two of what you learned. WTF. I learned NOTHING except I am a procrastinator!!  The next module has to do with goals. How the hell am I supposed to do goals when all I want to do is kill myself????  But I can’t write that I want to be dead by the end of the month and actually submit the ways to do it. That might freak someone out and get my ass hauled to APS or some other psych emergency room.  Instead, I just do what I think the world wants me to and go about pretending this is what I want to do with my “life”. I put down that my goal is to finish my bachelor’s degree in 4 years. How the hell I am going to pay for this, no fucking clue. I can barely afford having a car, much less trying to actually spend thousands on my education.  But not only do I have to say what my goals are, I have to list how I am going to accomplish them. I just think about how I’d like to achieve that and write, even though I know all of it is just complete BULLSHIT. Ha..the first time in my life where I am writing that.  The next module is a little bit more intense. I need to work on it like every other day for the next week in order to get credit. That is going to be difficult as next week I not only not have a car to get to where I need to go for my job, but I also have samples to pull for a fellow and I STILL have to fricken aliquot samples for vitamin D testing.
But for NOW, I have tomorrow off and I don’t think I am going to do a DAMN thing except play my facebook games, eat KFC (once I figure out how I am going to get to and back as walking could be icy tomorrow), and then watch the superbowl and hope that both teams lose, which I don’t think will be possible as in the words of John Madden, “the team with the most points win”. I do hope it’s Green Bay only because I really don’t want a sex offender winning his 3rd superbowl ring and tying Tom Brady.  I have no idea who the players are (course I can say the same for the Patriots) and how good each team’s offense and defense are. But I am sure the commentators will only tell me a hundred times during the first 2 hours of the game.  They are playing in Dallas, which is a nice stadium.  When the Pats sucked, I was a cowboy fan and loved how Aikman played and how Jimmy Johnson coached.  Now that was serious football.

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